Thursday, September 30, 2010

 Oh god EXAM!!!!....having my Final Term on 18 October till 3rd November..which also means that I'll be having exams on my BIRTHDAY!!!..and the exam ends right before DIWALI!!..."awesome" right..i switching my mode to studying mode...lot more to study..lot more to go..awake days and nights..studying...I'm stressed!!...I wish I had some one who could calm me down and study with me..!!...hmm...hopefully I'll be fine..I'm really scared of this examination as its not set by the school but by the state..and as usual..My results will be sent to the KPM as I'm one of the RK students in the country...they might have streaming..I'm gonna study hard just to be in the same class with my freinds..and of course to obtain good results...the topics are really KILLING ME...Physics..Chemistry..Biology..Additional Mathematics..Moral..History...!!...hmm...I'm praying!!...
Although I've been really busy these days...I'm really addicted to this book..!!...and never forget to read at least one page per day!!...I guess this is the very first time I'm reading an interesting book this SLOW!!..just cause  i'm having examinations soon..I can't leave my studies so doing them BOTH!!..hahaha...:)..well just to release the stress I'm going through!!...
This shows how crazee I am these few days!!!....stressed..with examz..drama practices going on...revising like crazee...but although I'm really busy...I've never forgot you !!!...and always will remember and cherish the best moments with you..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

This is a crazee post!!

This is a crazee post so read it if you are only interested!!...hahahahaha....OMG...i just can't stop laughing after hearing this statement from one of my friend...ONLINE MURDER...just cause I was bullying her...
hahahahaha...till now I can't stop laughing!! know...I seriously enjoy talking to you!!...and I'm not bullying you okie!! dun murder me cause of has been quite number of days knowing you..really loving the fact that I met you..Thankz for everything!! make me happy every day!!...:D..

well...I had a great time at my primary school gathering!! was really FUN!!..after so LONG meeting was really a wonderful experience!..I enjoyed it very much!!,,,had great dinner..enjoyed eating!!...:P ...and had some magic show on!!...his magic was awesome!..reminded me of CYRIL!...I love Cyril more!!..:)

Friday, September 24, 2010 is so colourful...cause it is filled with a lot of people with different colours..different minds..different objectives..there is no one in this world who is going through the same life with others..everyone differs in at least a small thing...they have they're own problem to face and solve...well..the same goes to how a person look at a problem...lot of people have different ways of looking at them..some will try to run away from the problem although they know that they can't..some will cry..some will share with his/her friends...some will just keep it to his/herself...I won't really say where I belong know..It's really terrible when you get punished for something that you didn't do..may be they are too busy to investigate..Who cares???'ll face the same thing...then only you'll realise what you have really done..I don't blame you for it..may be u should learn..but I'm sure you'll learn a lesson some how..I just don't really care..I have put on a tag that I DON'T CARE...what ever you say..what ever you do..please continue doing it..if it makes you happy why should I stop you from achieving something that going to give you happiness...but i would like to highlight is I DON"T CARE! know its really easy when you say i don't care..cause no one can ever hurt you!..this is the secret!...hahaha...please try works!..=)

Happy Birthday My dear Blog!!...

 woow...I can't believe that my blog is already one year old!!...feels as though I just signed up and opened a new blog...but its already a year!!...well..Happy Birthday My Sweet Bloggie!!..Love you mean alot to me..I share a lot of things with made it soo easy for me to post things and let the world know!!...Thank You!!...Love you!..=)

Monday, September 20, 2010

To all students who going to sit for the UPSR examination tomorrow...I wish Good Luck...and all The best!!
Do your Best Forget the Rest...This wish specially goes to my brother Akmal...Good Luck!....will always pray for you..Don't worry!...:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

switching mood....!!!...

Well...sorry everyone...just wanted to express my hidden emotions just is starting tomorrow...I have only few hours left to enjoy my holidays...woow...I can't believe that holidays are over!!...well..this holidays was really FuN!!...was enjoying almost everyday!!...hangouts..birthdays..drama
shopping..festival..and loads of travelling!!...enjoyed each and every second of the holiday..met new people..
new atmosphere...can't forget this holidays!... back to school mood...have to pack up things!...don't know what is waiting for me tomorrow..I'll just pray for the best to happen..hopefully...I'll have a great time in school..exams is coming soon..need to prepare to face them..getting nervous..lot to save in my mind..hopefully
my memory is capable of handling this huge files that I'm going to save to my database!...hahaha...I hope I'll enjoy each and every moment of my life while I'm still here!...everything will be just have to go on with the flow!...:) 

Lately..I'm having headache...very bad headache...I'm stressed out I know how hard is it to laugh outside but deep in your heart you are terribly hurt??...that is what exactly I've been doing for ages..I just can't do it anymore!..extremely sad with some people's attitudes...I think I deserve a break...I'm not born to please anyone..I think I JUST DON'T CARE!!!...Its time to give myself the priority...Its time to take care of myself...why people have to take advantage on me??...even tough they are close to me...very much close...  They made me feel as though I am a piece of CRAP with they're stupid words..why do I need these kind of people in my know what..I just don't give a damn!!...whatever la..tell whatever you want..I'll just receive it and throw it in the trash can...

              DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?????

I can't throw you out of my life as you play a major role in my life...but I always can ignore what you are matter what I still love you...
Why is it always me???!!...did anyone curse me or what??...seriously How much do you want me to do??... Every time I do return I'll  just get STUPID scoldings!!...yeah..although they don't do anything they're your princesses!..enough la..I'm so DONE with all this CRAP!!...and I wanna just react as though I DON'T CARE..cause when I care about it..the more I'll get hurt...and please LEARN APPRECIATE PEOPLE!..erghhhh...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A new friend from far far away....

Maybe it's right that when we first got to know a's really hard for you to talk at first...for me??...SERIOUSLY I agree with this statement..cause I don't really talk to people I don't know..I do talk but I don't really reveal anything about all of you know I'm the shy type person..but once you know me...that's it I'll become TALKATIVE!!...but for this person I just got to know last mind seem to react differently from its old routine!..we are like so close in just a WEEK!!...woow..thats weird ryte?!!...that was exactly I was thinking...but I think its awesome knowing her in my life...I think the title don't fit the should be A New Sister From Far Far AWAY!!...she is REALLY cute!! know what I love most in her??..her SMILE!!!....hahaha...cute..cute...!!...and she ALWAYS advices me to go to bed early as its not healthy it you know I don't like sleeping at night...and now added a new late night hobby to my list..that is chatting with her late she lives..far..far..away...well..I tried hard to find words which could possibly describe her (hope so) I do know there is no Perfect word that could describe anyone...hmm...she is Fun to be with... caring (as she advices me)..clever..(as she loves mathematics!!)...I really enjoy chatting with her...Thank you for spending time with me and talking to me!! I promised..I'll visit you once I'm working!! you..!!...My sweet sister!..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello everyone!!!...this is a shot by one of my friend!...i just love posted it right here just to share with all of you!..hope you like it too...~awesomeness~...seriously I admire it!..p/s..sorry for stealing your picture!!...:P

I ♥ YOU!!!!...

Adah...I just saw your post in your blog!!...OMG!...thank you my dear!!...Thanks a lot babe!..
I seriously appreciate know...I was really shocked to read that really a lot to me..I promise you that I'll treasure each and every moment I spent with you!!..Everyone..this is my dearest friend Fatin..I know her since I was in standard One...we was in the same primary school and secondary school..was in the same class till this year...both of us parted..she is the most FUNNIEST person I've knew in my entire know Fatin I do remember you laughter!...I used to tell that it sounds like goat..the dialogue goes like this.."eh..Fatin knape kau ketawa mcm kambing je huh??!!"...hahahaha...and she have never stopped doing know the days we used to spent time together..all the sorrows and the dilemma we had in the class...remember??! feels like just yesterday..but its long ago..sooner we are going to be parted again..but this time you are going to go far away from me...It's going to be really hard for know you have always been a very good friend of matter what happens to have never forgot to smile and laugh...I seriously admire you are really SWEET...adorable...freaking funny..I think words are not enough just to describe you..
I love you and I gonna Miss you like really!!...Please don't forget me!...:'(...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well..its me again...bored with me already?? have to take it anyhow! the outing was AWESOME..apart from the movie!!...had a wonderful time with my sister and her friend..oh sister's friend is seriously sweet you know!..first time spending time with went well..had a great time..talked a lot..about lot of things....enjoyed bullying my sister.. was a FUN packed you know I've developed a new hobby..that is photography...I know that I'm not a professional..but yet..what's wrong in giving it a try??..and anything needs a I'm going for it!...I love capturing best moments in my that it will be always remembered and treasured...:)

Piranha oh Piranha...!!!....

If you ask me for an advice whether to watch this movie or not..I'll definitely choose NO!!!... please don't waste you time!!...Its 1 hour long movie..if it was any longer..i would have walked out of the cinema...Oh god..what on earth could be more disgusting than this??..well when I watched Nightmare at Elm Street..I found that was gross !! this is even worst..terrible...
haizz...most of the scenes i was under my jacket...why such scenes!!...before going for the movie..
I did ask my sister..are you sure you want to go??..and she said friends said its nice..
at the end..we bought the ticket..went in the movie..and most of the time..she was hiding behind me...!!!....hahaha...well..It's just an advice..if you want to watch it..sure go for it! worries!..
but dun forget to bring your JACKET along if not you'd be hiding behind your friends!!!..:)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Remains a Mystery...

Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya's murder remains a mystery!...well..I'm not sure whether she is murdered or just kidnapped..the police yet to confirm the DNA from the bone fragments...but listening to all the news updates I think she is murdered..We can just hope for the miracle to happen...This seriously a brutal murder..she and three others were killed before burning them..and throwed the ashes into the river near the Palm Oil plantation...This is what the sources say..well to tell you the truth I don't even know about her before the news started to heat up...after watching the news..I googled about her and got to know who she is..and I bought Malay newspaper which has 8 pages of her murder coverage..just to get updated... She is the owner and founder of Nouvelle Visages(a cosmetics company) and she is one of the Multi millionaires..a very succcesful woman...she just opened Wisma Nouvelle in Cyberjaya.. just received her Datukship last year October...have 6 children..(4 daughters and 2 boys)..May God bless her in her after world...we can't do anything else..we can just pray for her wellness...what a tragedy...

My sister's Birthday Blast!!..

Had a Great celebration in an orphanage...My sister wanted to celebrate her birthday there...It was really awesome..the kids there was really sweet!!...they enjoyed the cake and the party!!...its always nice to celebrate your special day with someone who don't even get a chance to celebrate them...I was enjoying the time I spent with them...They was happy too..!..I'm proud of my sister cause she made the RIGHT decision! are some of the pictures... as I said.. There is no boundaries for Happiness...we'll have another Birthday Party after Diwali...Everyone is invited!!...♥ YOU SIS!!!!....Captured and edited by me...

Monday, September 13, 2010

My sister is officially 21!!...

hahaha...My sister is now 21!!....hahahaha...HAppY BIrThDAY!!!! you a lot!! seems she is now LEGAL!!...hahahaha....had a great time with her last weekend!!...enjoyed the time..Thank you for dropping by !!!...:)

Well....My sister took me for this movie as it was her birthday!...she brought her friends was triple FUN!!...I loved the movie...Especially the part where the HUGE man was really funny...the movie supposed to be a action packed and serious movie..but turned out to be a comedy pack movie cause my sister and her friends was laughing looking at the HUGE man...I actually enjoyed the movie..especially the guns and the riffles!! was awesome..!!...I loved the acting by Mila Jovovich...her fighting scenes are really lively...she is already became my inspiration!..I want to fight like her!!..As a conclusion..i had very nice time with my sister and her friends..we enjoyed bullying each other...!!...:D

10th September....

well...KLCC book festival was really cool..cause all the books was really CHEAP!!!...but it was a very long journey... The place was really crowded!!...there was lot of foreigners...its Raya holidays...and it was also Malaysia's Mega Sale going obviously everyone was busy shopping..but I was only interested in the BOOKS!!... I didn't buy any books as my sister bought them..I'll just borrow them..saving cost..maybe!...It was really tiring DAY again!!!....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

My new updates...!!...well...I'm freaking tired now...I think this one picture would describe what I've been doing all these days...oh well...yeah...SHOPPING!!...Movie...Hangouts...lots lots of travelling!!...tired la...will update some other time..alrite?!..

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI EVERYONE!!!...Have a great celebration to my fellow friends...have a save journey home!!..Play save with the fire crackers!!...take care..:)
With Love...SHALINI...

Big Apple Donuts...

Well..this was my lunch today..:)

Holidays or HOMEWORKS???

OMG!! it what we call as holidays??!!...holidays suppose to be relaxing...filled with FUN activities!!...erggh...but here..its totally different!!...holidays packed with homeworks!...its like a package..if you want to get have to go through this...haizz...what to I need to do is finish up all my homeworks...Each subject has a homework..sometimes not only one per subject..its ALOT!!...m just trying to figure out when I'll deal with them as I'm lazing around now!!..I GOTTA DO AND FINISH THEM!!!..Oh Lord..Help me..give me some blessings so that i'll get them DONE soon...don't know when is the 'soon'...haizz...:)
The day didn't go well was kinda terrible...I got scoldings from my dad cause I was LATE for my tuition...something usual...doesn't really matter...apart from that..all of you know..How much I LOVE ADD MATHS ryte??!! had add maths class...and sir asked me to answer one question!...and I gave my other question's answer..which was totally different..(of course!!)..I was so BLUR that time...haizzz....and only obtained embarrassment!..~sigh~...and the worst thing about today is..I watched this REAL video of an was seriously unbearable...I watched it till the END somemore...the boy was just 16..and got hit by a lorry..and the boy was under the wheels of the lorry...and he was crying for help..he was telling that.."I can't take the pain...I want to die now"....and he was calling for his dad..seriously pity him la..I can't stop crying watching him..such a young boy..and its too early for him to go..I think I've to accept matter who he is..where his from..I'll pray for his wellness in the afterworld... May God Bless Him...

08/09/2010 decided to try fasting..and I did successfully...the best part was I enjoyed it although I was lethargic at the end of the fasting period..I fasted for only 13 hours...cause I have attend my tuition need to break it earlier...It was just 1 hour left when I wanted to break it...but I was really tired and had no energy!!...well..I wonder how my friends could fast and still be so ACTIVE!!...they are so GOOD in it...the can still!!...woow.. seriusly..I admire them..*bows*..*bows*...and a huge salute from me!!...I had a great experience was awesome...!!...