Saturday, November 14, 2009


Lately i've been very busy..until i miss all my afternoon naps..haizzzz...really ler.. last Wednesday i didn't even sleep the whole day...i had a lot of commitments to do and finish up(my designing works)..thank god i finish all of them yesterday..and i had to clean my room..throwed my exam papers and my old exercise books... i realized that i was a collector because i had some of my standard 6 books also..haha.. that is why can't post my i'm quite free now..and got the time to post my updates on my blog.. i really got bored of doing them but i have to finish them up....just started my studies for Form 4..going tuition almost everyday in a week.... Monday (Chemistry),Tuesday (BM),Wednesday(Add Maths) , Friday (Biology and Physics).. bought my SPM books last Tuesday.. had started my revision...SPM syllabus seems to be quite hard..hope i can cope up with it..and i just started my designing for my new's a hard work u know...the house need to be really have to work hard on it..hope i can give my level best in both of studies and my new home!!

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