Monday, November 2, 2009

Depression... i would like to share an article that is quite useful... here is the summary about the article depression..hmm...lately..i'm quite stressed with the fast pace of life..that is why i choose to talk about you guys know that in Malaysia there are 5.3% of population who suffer from this condition..Depression is often used to explain when someone is feeling miserable,low and fed-up.Depression is very different from all this..Clinical depression is not a sign of weakness or failure,but a serious recurring medical condition.Genectic factors are known to play a part in causing depression..People who are depressed have higher than normal levels of stress hormones and low levels of 'feel good' hormones in brain..What are the actual cause of depression??Depression is caused by early life experiences substance abuse,physical illness and stressful events like,for example loosing job or a bereavement but at times depression can occur for no apparent reason..The symtoms of clinical depression can be categorised into the following aspects:
>>Moods: being gloomy,looking dejected,irritable or quarrelsome;
>>Emotions: displaying sadness,grief,anger or being tearful;
>>Thinking: having poor concerntration,being pessimistic,having low self-esteem or low self-confidence,having a sense of hopelessness and self-blame.
>>Motivation: displaying a lack of interest in work,household chores and self-care,avoiding social occasions and showing increased dependency on others;
>>Behavior: crying and refusing to get out of bed,being tired,lethargic or subdued;
>>Biological: displaying loss of appetite or increased appetite..

okie if you are having this symtoms you might be suffering from depression..
it's better for you to consult a doctor very soon... Depression can be debilitating but early intervention can help the you to eventually lead a productive do take care of yourself..:D

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