Friday, May 7, 2010

Investigate before taking action!!

Why are everyone like this???....can't they investigate before taking any actions against people??
They just don't understand how it effects that person??...They can get in a serious just don't understand..PLEASE INVESTIGATE!!!..make sure that the person you are punishing did something wrong...don't simply say something without a proper evidence..I'm seriously not happy with this kind of attitude..Even in court they will be given a chance to speak and tell the truth..whether they are guilty over the charges or not..Why can't you all act in the same should let the person talk FIRST!!..that a simple thing to follow..yet you just can't do it in the same way..erghh...hmm..m seriously got frustrated over this..this kind of people need a serious CHANGE!!!!!!!!!...STOP YOUR STUPIDITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!..punishment need to be given to the person who did wrong so that they will learn a lesson..not to a person who didn't do anything WRONG!!..

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