Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sorry To hear such a news Fatin...

I'm sorry for the lost of your beloved Father Fatin...although I've never went through this phase but I can truly understand how you feel...When I received the news,I almost cried...and when I read your post..I can't stop my tears...God loves him more then you do..that is why He wanted him back so soon..don't break apart..Just be strong my dear friend..all of us will be always there for you...I love you a lot...take care..I'll always pray for you..Don't worry..everything going to be fine..


  1. shalini , thank you for all your advices :)

    i love you , friend .

    friend for ever , yarh ;)

  2. Yeah sure fatin...not a problem at all..Love you MORE!!!!...muakz...yeah..of course..friends for life!...:D
