Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happie New Year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....

I exactly know how late it is to wish NEW YEAR!!..I'm so sorry...I was really busy...well..I'm just hoping that this year will be a wonderful and pleasant year..Last year was totally fun filled year..I enjoyed it the most..and this year going to be quite stressful year as I'm having examination..I'll also will have a very tight schedule..I'm just hoping that everything will go well...I want to do my BEST for the exams..please everyone do pray for me...Its just 13 days of school I'm already feeling the heat of it...well..let me tell you about how my new year went..well..I celebrated my new year in  I-city,Shah Alam...unfortunately I can't upload the pictures cause I didn't recharge my camera batteries so couldn't capture !!...but its okie..I did enjoy the whole day with my cousins..and this new year was something different..I experienced something really new this new year..That anyone else won't be able to experience it during new year..!!...well..I know you'll be wondering what t is..but..I'll just say..LET BE A SECRET!..:P..well..that are the year in it from google..well..most probably..I'll be celebrating my upcoming new year there!!..I hope you had a BLAST during new year 2011 and spent time with your loved ones..well..wish you are Happy and awesome year ahead !!!...*cheers*..=D

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