Friday, March 9, 2012

In life you come across lot of people..some are good..some are bad..some will try really hard to bring you down...Not many people you come across in life can become close to you..Let us see it from the beginning..When a child is introduced to this world..His parents becomes his all..The child sees his parent as everything as he ever had,as if only two of them existed in this whole world..but as time goes the circle becomes larger..He gets to know his sister,brother,uncle,aunt,granny or grand dad etc etc...At one point,his life being at home with family changes to being in school with friends...As years passes by,the circle of people in his life just get larger and larger..He'll have lot of  fun and happiness with all these people who once was just strangers...He'll be on top of the world...Some people may act like friends but they will be silently backstabbing him and trying hard to bring him down cause they just envy his successful life..Sometimes he will be forced to face heart aches due to some misunderstandings...cause everyone has different personality..they react in different ways..Due to the misunderstandings..Suddenly a person you know becomes that person you KNEW...everything changes..At times I do wish that why can't my world just stayed like how it all started..cause parents would never try to hurt you..but sometimes I tell myself that we should go through all this cause its all a life experience ryte...It exposes you to all kind of different things..You meet different people from different places..You'll learn lot of things from your friends!!..Because of all this you'll learn to be extra cautious when handling relationships...No matter what type of relationship it is..

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