Sunday, July 15, 2012

Traffic Lights!!

Many of you would be wondering why I posted a picture of a traffic I promoting anyone's photography??..Nope..I'm clearly not..We all know that traffic lights exists literally EVERYWHERE!.. Why do we need traffic lights?..Wouldn't Life would be lot more easier if there is no traffic lights present as it won't take your time waiting and you won't be late for appointments..well that's what most people say right??..I'm pretty sure as a driver there is a moment in your life where you'll be soo angry and cursing when the lights turns red and immediately say that WHY THE HELL do we need a traffic light??!!...and of course Malaysian drivers (I'm living here so I only know about Malaysian drivers) would speed even more when the lights are about turn red or already red!!..and note that I'm not saying everyone just some of them..Its insane right..I mean have the forgotten the basic rule of GREEN = GOf  ORANGE = Prepare to stop and RED = STOP!!..I would like to highlight here RED means STOP not accelerate even more! Think about it what's the use of a traffic control the traffic..It had been doing its job quite well but just that we as drivers are not following properly..The only time we remember ALL this was before sitting for the computer examination...After that CTRL + ALT + DEL from our hard disk aka BRAIN !!..Have you ever thought of the consequences you and others would face if you disobey this basic rule??..Recently we had a tragic accident in Cyberjaya/Putrajaya where a bus which bit the traffic and hit a Pajero and unfortunately both the drivers died on the spot..If at all the bus driver stopped and thought for a second all this could be avoided..This is just one example..There is like many accidents happening around you just cause drivers don't follow traffic rules..I'm not asking you to 100% obey the traffic rules (cause I'm not a saint my own!..Rules meant to be broken!!.. shhh..=P)..but when you wanna break it..just be extra cautious to the surrounding and other cars..Try to understand what the possible moves the other driver (car) might take so that you have ample of time to react..Being a driver has a much heavier responsibility then you think.. its just like a Pilot or a are the man of the match..what you decide will not only effect you yourself but others too..So be responsible and make wiser decisions..As they say "Better Late then NEVER!!"...Always THINK before you act!.. And before you start a long journey make sure your vehicle is in a good condition..Make sure you sent it for service accordingly..(You know..before a plane flies on sky it goes on numerous check ups)...Our vehicle is the plane and we are the PILOT!..Come lets have fun on road and as well be responsible & obey rules!

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