Saturday, November 30, 2013


Relationships are like symbiosis where there is mutualism, parasitism and commensalism, often times I believe it should be more of a mutualism and obviously it should never be parasitism. What I mean by mutualism? When both of you complement each other, both encourages to do what each of you passionate about, understanding, not controlling or rather bossy over your better half, most of all you should love unconditionally. Parasitism as you very well know, when only one benefits and it feeds on the other leaving the other sad and exhausted.

Well, I'd say its very easy to actually lay things out here and in practice it might be the hardest thing of them all. Even life isn't easy then how can we expect relationships to be a piece of cake?! We must have been crazy to ever create fairy tales and fool our kids saying that the Prince Charming would come in a carriage or perhaps an Audi,BMW or even a BICYCLE to rescue them and they will live happily ever after! Trust me, I'm one of those kids who got fooled so you're not alone! 

Yes, relationships isn't easy and it requires lot of patience, most of all LOVE! Have you realised that when you first fell in love, everything was so beautiful and lovely, you were always on cloud nine and you would always be receiving gifts,flowers and surprise dates but as years passed everything just vanished into the air? Like a day can just go by you not conversing with each other but previously you used to hang on the phone with that person day and night. Surprising isn't it? As I've said earlier relationships should be based on mutualism and most importantly it should be continuous and everlasting! Most of all, don't even try to hold it too tightly to the point of suffocation, you should always let it free, for example birds are meant to fly high on the sky and not to be caged and that's what you should do with the one you love and not cage them up.

Everlasting? I guess that's something we don't experience nowadays or do we? If you are experiencing those things, consider yourself as lucky! Both of you should put in the effort and always remember it should never be placed on one person cause as years pass on they will just get tired and exhausted of trying to please you. Being brought up in an Indian family I've faced this a lot, that the men in the family is more often is regarded as the King and we have to serve them. This is totally ridiculous and I'm very much against it. I'm more of a person, if you expect me to cook for you, I would want you to cut the vegetables for me or even cook for me! Why not right?! If you want me to do the house chores, I would always demand for you to  help me out. That's how I am, there is no special treatments cause to me I'm not your servant, I'm your better half! So till I find someone like that I shall wait patiently! :)

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