I've always wanted to be accepted by this group of friends, as they'd go out together during holidays and I was the one who spent most her days attending tuition lessons instead of having fun. Mostly due to the fact that, my parents wouldn't permit me to be off alone all by myself. I wouldn't blame them, as they was rather protective of their daughter. But I was somehow jealous of them, well now walking through the memory lane, I just laughed it off. Cause all my life, I have longed to be accepted by people and actually done or rather copied whatever they did so that I'd be accepted, and thus my originality just vanished.
I remember I used to be so worried about my weight and used to starve myself in the name of diet, this was me as a teenager. I was so afraid that, someone would come up to me and tell me that I'm fat and I'd be quickly rejoiced if someone tells me that I've lost weight! You could actually witness the million dollar smile on my face, that's how people's opinion mattered to me. I'm sure many out there, still trapped there and don't know how to get out from there. First and foremost, it starts off by believing that you're beautiful, gorgeous, smart and you'd always be, it starts off by looking at yourself in such way.
Today when I look back, I've come a long way, from focusing so much on what everyone's has to say, to now not giving a sh*t about their opinions. Cause, at the end of the day its you and only you that matters. I've came to realisation that you should only compete with yourself and no one else, be a better version of yourself. Even till today, I receive comments about the pimple scars on my face ( This was due to the extreme exam stress I went through few months back) and also sometimes about my weight. Instead of being hurt by the comment, I've learn accept it and actually explain to them why is it such.
P/s : and If you receive a compliment, please don't hush it away. Acknowledge it with a Thank you :)
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